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Women’s Rights

Women’s rights around the world are an important indicator to understand global well-being. Yet, despite many successes in empowering women like the gains made in South Africa and the concerning about domestic violence in a lot of Countries, numerous issues still exist in all areas of life. Gender equality furthers the cause of child survival and development for all of society, so the importance of women’s rights and gender equality should not be underestimated.

One of those issues is that women work more than men but are paid less. According to Inter Press Service, “On a global scale, women cultivate more than half of all the food that is grown. In sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean, they produce up to 80 percent of basic foodstuffs. In Asia, they account for around 50 percent of food production. In Latin America, they are mainly engaged in subsistence farming, horticulture, poultry and raising small livestock.” Yet women often get little recognition for that. In fact, many go unpaid. It is very difficult for these women to get the financial resources required to buy equipment etc, as many societies still do not accept, or realize, that there is a change in the “traditional” roles.

Also the “feminization of poverty” is a phenomenon that is unfortunately on the increase. Basically, women are increasingly the ones who suffer the most poverty.Then this also affects children, which makes the dire situation even worse. For example, even in the richest country in the world, the USA, the poorest are women caring for children. Poverty, trade and economic issues are very much related to women’s rights issues due to the impacts they can have.

The goals of women’s rigths to be reached in 2030 with substantive progress by 2020 are:

· Repeal discriminatory laws that inhibit the economic ability of women, their ability to obtain credit and own land, to move freely, and to make decisions about their own bodies and health.

[if !supportLists]· Fully implement existing laws so that, for example, violence against women does not go unpunished.

[if !supportLists]· Enact new laws where no laws exist in specific areas.

[if !supportLists]· Introduce quotas and temporary special measures to support the increased proportion of women parliamentarians and all decision-making bodies

[if !supportLists]· Invest in statistical capacities and gender statistics to support effective monitoring and evidence-driven decision-making.

Inspirational video by Prince Ea

Click on the image to see the video

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