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Social institutions and their impact on society

There are many social institutions that want to make sure that all people in our society live with their rights recognized and guaranteed. One of the most famous is UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund), that started its mission after World War II, in 1946, as a relief organization for children. It quickly extended its mission to helping children whose lives were at risk in developing countries. Sixty years later, UNICEF has more than 7,000 people in 157 countries and territories around the world. This organization wants to safeguard that the intrinsic rights of children to a basic quality of life, rights defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child by world leaders. Basically, UNICEF works to help give all children the best start in life.

There are other types of institutions that work to see the rights of all people guaranteed, such as women’s institutions, for example, that want to see women’s rights be considered as important as men’s rights. Some of these institutions are: Captive Daughters, dedicated to ending sex trafficking and Human Rights Watch, dedicated to fight against the dehumanization and marginalization of women, but these are just some examples of the institutions that have been created so that every woman in the world knows that she is just as valuable as every man.

In the end, all of these institutions and all the others not mentioned work to make sure that our world can become a better place to live in.

Inspirational video by Prince Ea

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